Thursday, April 14, 2016

A New Year Brings a New Adventure ~ January 2016

Giving God Glory
God's Sovereign Protection ~ For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways... That you do not strike your foot against a stone [or artillery].  Psalm 91:11-12  We are grateful for God's sovereign protection over Wes and his co-workers as they helped with a fire at Fort Carson that was in a high impact zone filled with live artillery (explosive devices that could be easily triggered).

Smoke from the fire

Geared up & ready to go

Working the area

Up close to the flames

Burned area * Fort Carson Military that train in this area

What's on the Harrisons' Hearts

A New Year Brings a New Adventure ~ Little did we know when 2016 began, the Lord would soon unfold a new adventure for our family!  Glimpses of this adventure began 4 years ago in 2012 when Wes completed his Bachelors degree in Biblical Studies, and we began asking and praying about the question ~ Does the Lord want Wes to work in vocational ministry or to continue working as a firefighter and be faithful in his mission field there?  Wes and I talked and prayed about this for a while, but we came to the conclusion that Wes was to remain faithful at the firestation and also share what he learned from his schooling with 3rd-6th graders through the T&T Director opportunity that the Lord blessed him with at our church.

Fast forward a few years to mid-January of 2016...  A Family Life Today broadcast triggered a conversation between us that led to us revisiting if Wes should continue working as a firefighter.  What had been "gray" a few years ago became very "black-&-white" to us in a matter of minutes, and we both agreed that Wes needed to pursue work elsewhere.  The Lord faithfully continued to confirm this conclusion in many ways!  We tossed around a variety of career possibilities, and two options came to the forefront:

1. Camping Ministry ~ the "faith" option that involves stepping out of our comfort zone in a lot ways!  However, both Wes and I have a passion for children's ministry, and we have a lot of experience serving in children's ministry together.  Plus, Wes is looking for a job where he can work outdoors.  I have previous experience in camping ministry (working as a counselor and also in leadership 3 summers during college), and I even changed my major during college from Elementary Education to Children's Ministry due to the passion the Lord gave me for children's ministry within a camp setting.  Wes is excited about camping ministry, and I (as well as many others that we have talked with) think that camping ministry would be a great fit for Wes and vice versa.

2. Continue working for the government but in a different field such as forestry ~ the "safe" option financially in which Wes would keep all of his benefits presently and also retirement benefits.

Wes soon called a good friend, Neil Saunders, who is a director of a camp in California.  Wes and Neil became close as they served together in ministry in T&T for a few years before Neil changed careers from a secure, secular job to camping ministry, sound familiar? ;)  They talked about all kinds of things related to making a career change, working in secular vs. working in ministry, and various aspects of camping ministry that were very helpful.

The Lord also connected us (through a mutual friend) with a friend at church, Bob Baylor, who sits in front of us often and who Wes serves together with as deacons at our church.  We never realized that Bob works for Christian Camping & Conference Association!  Bob has been a huge help and blessing in the camping ministry job search!  We'll see what the Lord has in store!

(*Present update as of mid-April ~ We have 7 applications in 4 states - Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, and Michigan.)

Praises & Petitions
Friend - Continued prayers for a friend who has left the gospel and is in a journey of agnosticism.  I am praying John 8:32 for her that she would know the truth, and the truth would set her free.
Friend - Praise for a friend being cancer free after initially being told near the time of diagnosis that she may only live for a couple weeks!
Tami - Continued prayers for the Lord to give my dad and other loved ones His perspective and that God would heal Tami, but ultimately that His will would be done.  Please pray Galatians 5:22-23 that the fruit of the Spirit would abound in Dad's & Tami's lives during this trial.  Also, prayer of James 1:5 for wisdom with this trial.
Wes & Christina - Please pray Proverbs 3:5-6 for the Lord to guide and provide a new job for Wes in His perfect timing and that He would grow our trust in Him.
Noah - God would graciously save him at a young age and lead him to walk with the Lord all of his days, if that be the Lord's will.  Continued praise for the Lord growing Noah in loving his brothers, especially Josiah since Noah will sometimes provoke him.  I asked Noah what he would like loved ones to pray for him, and he said, " That I would love Jesus more and more." 
Josiah - God would graciously save him at a young age and lead him to walk with the Lord all of his days, if that be the Lord's will.  Praise for the Lord helping Josiah to communicate more often with his words rather than screaming when he doesn't like something.  Please continue to pray for the Lord to grow Josiah in using his words to communicate (Psalm 19:14).
Samuel - God would graciously save him at a young age and lead him to walk with the Lord all of his days, if that be the Lord's will.  Praise for the Lord helping Samuel to heal quickly from his first flu bug.  Back in January, we were praying that Samuel would learn how to sit down by himself, since he will pull up in his crib and get "stuck." ;)  Praise that he learned pretty quickly how to do this.

Marriage Memories
The Lord has been growing us a lot in our marriage through this season of seeking the Lord's will for a new career for Wes.  It has been a joy to deepen our unity as we pray about and pursue job opportunities together.  However, the Lord has also been refining us individually and in our marriage during this season, which has been hard but good, since it is drawing us closer to Him and to each other.

This month we enjoyed a sushi-lunch-with-a-little-shopping date.

Family Fun

Fam ski trip!

Ready to hit the slopes!  
Noah's 4th year skiing; Josiah's 1st! ; Samuel was in childcare at the ski resort for the morning
*More photos in the section ~ Memorable Moment of the Month (towards the end of this blog post)

New Year's Day ~ enjoying some homemade caramel apples

Daddy & Super Samuel

Noah News
Age - 6 years old

Cute Communication
     *Mommy, you have a lot to do... getting all 3 of us reading in the mornings and for bed at night..." He's quite observant and socially aware for a 6 year old boy!
     *When Wes was helping with the fire at Fort Carson, Noah had a lot of questions, which he is very inquisitive!  One of his questions was - "Will Daddy die?"  We talked about how God has a plan and a specific number of days for each of our lives (Psalm 139:16).  Noah also asked, "What will Daddy be doing?  Will he shoot his water gun at the fire?" ;)  It is precious how children's minds think.
     *Noah will often want to look at pictures with him in them and say will sometimes say with a disappointed voice, "I don't look cool."  Or  "I don't have a cool look."  Seriously... as a boy at the age of 6?!?

Latest Likes
Being "cool" ~ which he already developed a "cool" standard in his mind ;)
His glow-in-the-dark soccer ball

Having fun with Hot Wheels 

*Video ~ Wes launching Noah on the crash pad

Josiah Joys
Age - 3 years old

Cute Communication
     *I was reading about China in a story in Noah's Sparks handbook, and Josiah exclaims, "China!  Nathaniel is from China!"  It's a joy to see Josiah making connections!
     *Josiah is so relational!  He is constantly talking and wanting to engage relationally! :)
     *Josiah is also an encourager!  He often is saying, "Good job!" to someone for big and small things.  One day he even told me, "Good job being quiet, Mom!" (since Samuel was sleeping)  Cute! :)

Latest Likes
Wearing his ski helmet around the house & also going skiing
His glow-in-the-dark basketball

Josiah was SO EXCITED to go skiing for his first time!  He asked almost daily to wear his ski helmet - and also to wear his socks on his hands. ;)

*Video ~ Josiah's 1st time skiing!!!

Samuel Sentiments
Age - 10 months

1sts - cruising furniture, pulling up in his crib (and other places), walking with support, feeding himself with a spoon, vommitting :(

Latest Likes
Being on his feet (standing, cruising, walking w/ support)
Cruising around furniture and his cruising toy gym

Feeding himself ~ With a spoon for the 1st time * Sipping on his sippy

Crawling all over!

Having fun looking at all the snow :)

Pulling up for the 1st time (& not happy about it) * Sacked out & sprawled out

Pulling up on the Lego box

Pulling up with Daddy * Walking with support from Daddy

*Video ~ Samuel "walking" & talking (holding on to Wes' hands)

Bro Bonding

"Twins" ~ Josiah wanted to be like Noah & wear a hat backwards * Funny faces ;)

Twins again with matching pjs :)

Noah & Samuel playing Legos together

Homeschool Highlights
Click on these links if interested in seeing more info about the K-8 skills/benchmarks books I use: 
Please let me know if you would like to know about the specific curriculum I use. :)
Core Knowledge Sequence: Content guidelines for K-8 (Fyi ~ This is not the same as Common Core.)

What Your [Grade-level of Your Child] Needs to Know ~ Core Knowledge books corresponding to grade-level  

Noah participates in a homeschool program through RMCA in which he goes to a school building once a week for a full day ~ 8 am to 3 pm.  Noah has a homeroom teacher, Mrs. Campbell, who reiterates reading and writing concepts that Noah is learning at home, and she also teaches some science, critical thinking, and character.  In addition, Noah participate in P.E., music, and art each school day, so it is a full day!  
Noah enjoys RMCA's homeschool program, and it has been a great fit for our family too!


We have been enjoying the Book It! reading program this year.  Noah likes having a reading goal and working towards his own little pizza reward each month. :)

Swim Lessons
Noah is getting stronger and continuing to grow in his swimming skills! ~ Swimming to the instructor & back

Working on breathing techniques

Various Highlights
P.E. ~ Having fun playing glow-in-the-dark soccer & basketball in our basement

Noah fell asleep during "Rest & Read" time 2 different days... growth spurt, maybe? 

Puzzle we had fun finishing from New Year's Eve ~ Josiah even helped with a few pieces :)

Playdate at the park with good friends ~ Josiah & Samuel hit it off, which Noah is best-friends with Samuel's older brother, Luke. ;)

Special Notes & Seeing the Lord at Work in Our Boys' Hearts & Lives

Noah ~ After talking about a challenging social dynamic at Noah's parent-teacher conference, we have been praying with Noah about being kind to a specific classmate.  One day he came home from his RMCA homeschool program with this encouraging note. :)  Praise the Lord!

Josiah ~ We also received an encouraging email about Josiah from someone who worked with Josiah at our church. ~ "I just had to write you to tell you about the blessing Josiah children's church this past weekend.  He came to class very, very wary of being there.  He sadly hung back by the door and turned down any offer of books, toys, etc.  However, when I started the music, he became ALIVE!  I wish I had a camera to record his face as he sang 'Deep and Wide!'  I totally enjoyed watching him sing his little heart out!!!  He opened up his mouth soon wide and sang loudly and confidently...[like] an opera singer with his hands even in fists as he belted out each note!  What a JOY to watch him!  Music must be the key to his soul!  All his sadness, fear, etc. were forgotten as he sang.  It made my morning!  So glad he came to class!

Memorable Moment of the Month
Family Ski / Sickness Trip  ~ Often the greatest bummers and inconveniences can make for the most memorable times!  We had planned a 3 day - 2 night ski trip a few months in advance, based on Wes' schedule, so there was not much flexibility.  Sunday morning, Noah woke up saying his ear and throat hurt, which we were sure that he either had an ear infection or strep throat - neither being pleasant for skiing!  I stayed home from church with Noah, and Wes took him in to Urgent Care later that morning after they opened to find out that Noah did not have an ear infection or strep...  The doctor said he must have a little bug and should be fine to go skiing the next day, so we proceeded with our plans.  While loading up, Noah threw up at home, which didn't surprise us since we knew he was sick with something. :(  We hoped it was a quick flu and decided to go ahead with our trip.  Noah threw up again in the van on the way to Dillon/Silverthorne and was such a trooper!  He couldn't keep anything down but started to feel better when we arrived at the hotel, so he tried eating some pizza with us at dinner and lost it pretty much immediately.  Poor guy!
The Lord was gracious, and Noah woke up the next morning feeling a lot better and was able to eat (must have been a vicious 12 hour flu), so we went ahead and continued with our ski plans for the day.  Noah did GREAT!!!! ~ especially with still recovering from his bug.  However, he wore himself out and fell asleep as soon as we got back to our hotel.  As a result, most of our trip, we took it easy, ate take-in (from the hotel restaurant) in our room, and let Noah rest.  Noah was super excited to see that the Packers/Cardinals playoff game was replaying (since he had missed it live due to Wes and I thinking the game was over and having the boys go to bed the night of the game), so we enjoyed watching the game together and playing a couple board games we brought.  The next morning we headed back home, and Samuel threw up (his first time ever) fortunately at home that afternoon.  Then Noah got hit with an ear infection...  Definitely a memorable time and trip!

Hanging out at our hotel room

All bundled up!

Noah was SO EXCITED!!!  Wes & Noah did A LOT of runs that morning, and Noah was a trooper since he was not 100%.

Josiah was apprehensive at first, but he LOVED it after that first run down the bunny hill! :)
He kept saying, "Again, Mommy, again!"

Josiah & my spot ~ "Magic Carpet Ride" & bunny hill

We stopped for lunch, hot cocoa, & a cookie. :)

Hanging out after we picked up Samuel from 1/2 day childcare ~ Sweet Samuel * Bros * Samuel pulling up on his own!

Carting Josiah & our gear back to our van * The boys sacked out after skiing!

More Memories

Celebrating cousin Nathaniel's 3rd birthday

Opening gifts * Best buds (Nathaniel & Josiah)

Papa & Samuel :)

"Chilcare swapping" for dates ~ We have some good friends with 3 young kids - like us - that live near us, so we date swap with them for childcare.  We enjoy having 6 kiddos in our home (as well as free childcare!), and overall they play together really well. :)
Noah - 6, Naomi - 5, Oliver - 4, Josiah - 3, Ellie - 2, Samuel - 11 months

Celebrating our neighbor & good friend's birthday

Wes' new hobby after getting a gun for Christmas! :)  

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