Giving God Glory
God is good! ~ Written on March 2nd:
Reflecting on the past 6 years, we are thankful for how the Lord has shown us His goodness throughout Noah’s birth, 4 miscarriages, Josiah’s adoption, and Samuel’s pregnancy. We are looking forward to meeting our precious son next week ~ March 10th ~ unless the Lord plans for him to arrive sooner! ~ O give thanks to the Lord for He is good... Psalm 118:1 “...The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job 1:21
Written on March 10th: We are overwhelmed... by God's graciousness in blessing our family with this precious miracle of life... by the prayers & support of so many loved ones who have journeyed along with us in pleading for the Lord to sustain our son's life... Thank You, Jesus, for this gift! Thank you to all of you who have come alongside of our family as we have sought to trust the Lord with this sweet little boy!
Memorable Moment of the Month & Bro Bonding
Welcoming sweet Samuel to our family!
All ready to meet Samuel!
He's here!!! : ) * Pouty lip
Tears of JOY!
Getting cleaned up
Daddy & son * Mommy & son
Sweet Samuel sleeping
All Alert
The boys came to visit ~ Josiah was the first to say 'hi' * Noah welcoming Samuel * Gift for Samuel from his big bros
Our fam of 5 :)
Proud big bro & Daddy * Josiah being gentle with Samuel
Noah & Josiah lovin' on Samuel :)
Noah helping Josiah * Samuel sticking out his tongue at Josiah ;)
Papa & Nana enjoying Samuel
Aunt Wendy & Samuel * Cousins with Aunt Wendy ~
Noah - 6, Josiah - 2, Nathaniel - 2, & Samuel - Newborn
A good friend came to stay the first night with me because the hospital staff informed us that I could not be by myself the first night in case Samuel needed help, and I could not get up to help him. Thank you so much, Barbara!
While she was holding Samuel, I saw that he had the double cowlick like Noah and Papa Rush!
Getting ready to go home ~ Noah helping Daddy load up the van
Samuel in his "going home outfit" made by our neighbor ~ Thank you, Dena!
Getting in a few snuggles while waiting to be discharged
Buckled up * So tiny...
Heading home sweet home ~ 1st time riding in our van as a family of 5! :)
Josiah was enjoying chewing on Samuel's paci ;)
What's on the Harrisons' Hearts & Marriage Memories
How the Lord grew us during Wes' 3 weeks off of work ~
Wes spent most of his time doing activities with Noah & Josiah ~ biking, playing at the park, going to the YMCA, wrestling, reading books, etc. ~ and taking over my responsibilities of caring for Noah & Josiah, doing majority of the homeschooling with Noah, laundry, cleaning, dishes, feeding all of us (we were blessed with many meals, which made it a lot easier for Wes!), etc.
He also got in some snuggles with Samuel :)
How the Lord grew Wes during those 3 weeks as "Mr. Mom" ;) ~
- greater appreciation & awe for all I (and other mothers) do
- God is sovereign over every little thing, including changes in plans and the day not going how want or planned
- stronger relationship with Josiah, since I was the main one caring for him before Samuel came
- being slower to anger, especially in parenting
- increased understanding & grace for some of the things I (and other mothers) do since he experienced going in the kitchen and not being able to remember why he went in there, running back in the house for that last item, needing to prepare and tote around a lot of stuff when going out with the boys (snacks, diapers, wipes, water bottles, etc.), forgetting an important item on outings, asking a question/getting interrupted or distracted/needing to ask the question again, always doing something around the house because there is almost always something that needs to be done
- whatever you do... don't get behind and backed-up on the dishes ;)
- how to press on & persevere in caring for the boys & our home when sick &/or tired
- realizing how important it is to make sure I get some alone time or a break
- renewed perspective for his job as a firefighter
I felt like I was on vacation because Wes told me to focus on caring for Samuel and healing from surgery.
I enjoyed getting in all the snuggles that I could! :) * Samuel sacked out after eating
Sweet boy!
How the Lord grew me over the 3 weeks Wes was home:
- great appreciation for Wes' desire to take off 3 weeks of work to help me
- letting go of being in control of daily schedule since Wes was home every day
- slowing down!!!
- focusing solely on relationships and not on accomplishing tasks since I couldn't do much
- asking for help frequently from loved ones with Wes having activities in the evenings
- being very disciplined about not lifting anything heavier than Samuel or doing any exercise beyond walking until 6 week checkup :/
- being content & thankful rather than coveting various things such as sleep, time to do personal activities, being able to workout & play with the boys how I used to, being able to spend time with the Lord to the extent that I used to... it's a's definitely worth it!
- looking out for Wes' interests & making sure he was getting some breaks & alone time
How my recovery is going:
- The Lord has been so gracious with my recovery going so well! Recovering from a planned C-section is so much easier than recovering after 24 hours of labor ending in a C-section like I had with Noah.
- I am extremely grateful for Wes' servant heart and how he blessed me with being able to take it easy the 3 weeks he was off of work. I know that he is a HUGE reason I recovered so quickly!
- I was able to go to church and serve in T&T (AWANAs) 2 days after I got discharged from the hospital. My concern for not being able to go up the stairs in our home was quickly relieved when I tried the evening I got home from the hospital and told Wes, "That wasn't so bad." :)
- The hardest challenge for me is the sleep deprivation / interrupted sleep, but it is sooo worth it!
Praises & Prayers
Tami - Continued prayers for the Lord to give my dad and other loved ones His perspective and that God would heal Tami, but ultimately that His will would be done. Prayer of Galatians 5:22-23 that the fruit of the Spirit would abound in Dad's & Tami's lives during this trial. Also, prayer of James 1:5 for wisdom with this trial.
Our Family - Praise for the Lord blessing us with the gift of Samuel joining our family! Praise for the transition to being a family of 5 going well. Please continue to pray for the fruit of the Spirit to abound in our family as we continue to adjust (Galatians 5:22-23) and that the Lord would give Wes and me wisdom in easing the transition for Noah and Josiah (James 1:5).
Wes - Praise for the Lord giving Wes grace and strength as he served our family and was home for 3 weeks. Please continue to pray for the Lord to give Wes wisdom, grace, and strength as he seeks to be faithful in his roles at home, work, and in ministry (James 1:5).
Christina - Praise for wisdom and success with my C-section surgery; it went very smooth and no complications! Also, a praise for my recovery going so well! Please pray for wisdom, grace, strength, and contentment in this season of change and also continuing to recover from surgery (James 1:5).
Christina - Praise for wisdom and success with my C-section surgery; it went very smooth and no complications! Also, a praise for my recovery going so well! Please pray for wisdom, grace, strength, and contentment in this season of change and also continuing to recover from surgery (James 1:5).
Noah - God would graciously save him at a young age and lead him to walk with the Lord all of his days, if that be the Lord's will. Praise for Noah having an easy time transitioning with Samuel joining our family and for the Lord giving him an abundance of love for his new little brother. I asked Noah what he would like loved ones to pray for him - "Pray for my cough to go away [since he had one when I asked him] and thank God for Samuel." :)
Josiah - God would graciously save him at a young age and lead him to walk with the Lord all of his days, if that be the Lord's will. Praise for Josiah graduating from physical therapy early! Also, praise for the Lord giving Josiah a great love for Samuel and that Josiah's acting out is with Wes and I and not directed to his little brother. Please continue to pray James 1:5 for the Lord to give us wisdom and also to grow Josiah in stopping sucking his thumbs during naps/bedtime since it is starting to impact his teeth.
Samuel - God would graciously save him at a young age and lead him to walk with the Lord all of his days, if that be the Lord's will. Praise for he is healthy and here! He is an easy baby ~ sleeping and eating well, so there are no major prayer requests presently. :)
Samuel - God would graciously save him at a young age and lead him to walk with the Lord all of his days, if that be the Lord's will. Praise for he is healthy and here! He is an easy baby ~ sleeping and eating well, so there are no major prayer requests presently. :)
Family Fun
Our New Family of 5! :)
Going on our 1st walk together with all "7" of us ;)
Noah News
Age - 6 years old
6 Years Old Stats:
Weight - 43 lbs. 4 oz. 33%
Height - 42 1/2 in. 6%
Cute Communication -
*Can I see him [Samuel]?" ~ Noah asks this all the time. :)
*"He's [Samuel] so cute!" ~ Noah enjoys doting on Samuel, and this is is favorite phrase. "Mommy, Samuel's eyes are open...he's so cute!" "Mommy, his eyes are closed...he's so cute!" ;)
*"There is 'the!' " ~ Noah is starting to recognize words he knows in print. :)
*Asking hypothetical scenarios such as ~ "What will we do if Samuel's outfit doesn't fit?"
*"Mommy, when can you go running and ride bikes again? Samuel's out of your tummy..." ~ Noah and Josiah were very patient throughout the pregnancy because I couldn't do a lot of the activities that we enjoyed doing together, "since Samuel was in my tummy" I would tell them. I had to explain to them that I now had a big "owwie" from the surgery that needed to heal before I could do these activities again.
Latest Likes
Seeing & holding Samuel :)
Wrestling Daddy
Skateboarding & riding bikes
Cruising on his skateboard
*Video - Skateboarding down our driveway
Josiah Joys
Age - 2 years old
Cute Communication -
*"Baby still in there?" while pointing at my tummy since my belly was still bigger from pregnancy and in decreasing phase
*Shortening phrases ~ ex. Thank you = Thanks; Mommy = Mom
*"Be right back!" and holds up one finger (like I do when signaling being gone momentarily)
*Josiah - "Bye Mommy!"
Me - "Where are you going?"
Josiah - "Speeh therpy." (speech therapy, which we take Noah to twice a week) It's interesting what seems like an appealing place to go to feel like a big boy. ;)
*Favorite phrases ~ "No." "Don't like that." "Don't want to." ~ He's definitely being more independent and opinionated, and we have a lot more teachable moments.
Latest Likes
Kissing & holding Samuel
All kinds of balls!
Going on bike rides with Daddy & Noah
Snuggling with Daddy ~ Josiah had the most adjustment with Samuel's arrival since Josiah was no longer the "baby." It was rough the 2 weeks before Samuel was born, but he did a lot better once Samuel arrived. He's been super sweet with Samuel and tends to direct his acting out towards Wes and me.
*Video - Singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" ~ with a little Josiah twist ;)
Samuel Sentiments
Age - Newborn
Birth Stats:
Weight - 5 lbs. 11 oz. 5%
Height - 19 1/2 in. 43%
Time - 2:04 pm
1 Week Stats:
Weight - 5 lb. 11 oz. 5%
*Put on birthweight in only 3 days after being discharged from the hospital!
Height - 19 1/2 in. 43%
Head circumference - 13.4 in. 37%
1sts - going to church, bath, turning head while on tummy, sucking his thumb, cold/cough :( , "sleeping through the night" with a 6 hour stretch @ 3 weeks!
Latest Likes
Being held by his brothers
Moby wrapped
1st time going to church * Sucking his thumb
1st bath... not a fan!
Homeschool Highlights
Click on these links if interested in seeing more info about the K-8 skills/benchmarks books I use:
Core Knowledge Sequence: Content guidelines for K-8 (Fyi ~ This is not the same as Common Core.)
What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know ~ Obviously, this book is specific for Kindergarten. :)
Simplifying & Keeping to the Basics ~ "Reading, Writing, & 'Rithmetic'"
(with this new season of caring for Samuel)
Reading ~ Noah started reading these booklets recently! It has been a joy to see (and be a part of) the skills of segmenting and blending starting to click for him! :)
Writing ~ Noah's writing has been getting better and better, which is also fun to see (and be a part of). :)
'Rithmetic' ~ In Math this month, Noah and I did hands-on measurement experiments, and he caught on to the skills and tools of measurement quickly.
Dion's Restaurant Tour Field Trip
Our group completing their activity books before the tour started
Behind-the-scenes tour
Seeing how a pizza is made * Flattening their own mini pizza dough
Getting to shout into the microphone where orders are called out & picked up
Lifeskill : Saying good-bye... to his 1st good buddy from school :(
Noah tends to make one really good friend in social settings, and this was again the case at his RMCA homeschool program. The first boy Noah met when we dropped him off for his first day of kindergarten was a sweet boy named Jedidiah ~ nickname = Jedi. ;) This was the boy that quickly became Noah's close friend at school and that Noah talked about when we asked him who he played with at school. We were bummed when about halfway through the school year Noah told us that Jedi was moving away soon. One day Noah brought home an invitation to their family's going away party, and we made sure that Noah would be able to go.
Going away party for Jedidiah's family * Noah had a lot of fun & was glad he went to tell his buddy good-bye
More Memories
Samuel Blaine meets Gpa Blaine :)
Great Papa & Great Tache
Uncle Adam & Aunt Wendy
Noah & Josiah wrestling Papa
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